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A lot of inappropriate workplace conduct that may have gone on for decades is now being pushed to the forefront of today’s public discussion. Employees are increasingly aware that unwanted sexual advances are not only unacceptable but can and will be stopped or punished. But it’s not only unwanted sexual advances in the workplace that violate California and federal law. Unwanted touching, mentally abusive behavior, intimidation, being treated differently or harassed because of your sexual orientation, gender or gender identity, race, religious beliefs and/or age constitutes harassment and can be legally prosecuted. Whether it is termination, denial of a promotion or assignments, unbearable workplace environment or sexually suggestive advances or conduct, VAN DYKE LITIGATION & TRIAL ATTORNEYS, P.C. can help you stop inappropriate and unwanted behavior and achieve the justice you deserve.

Call or Email to Get Started on Your Workplace Harrassment Case
